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Do you have a product or innovation that you would like to highlight above the rest at Graphispag?
“It is the year of Drupa and what that entails, the launch of new products and the presentation of innovations and new technologies. At Graphispag we will be showcasing the latest POD and large format equipment, but we will also have information on the other products launched in each of the markets in which we are leaders: packaging, commercial printing, large format and office.

Luis Virgos

Digital Printing & POD Sales Manager

Can you explain the main reason for your participation in the show and your business expectations?
“It is essential that the industry continues to have a meeting point for manufacturers, suppliers, customers and specifiers. We offer solutions for the different verticals of print and it is important that we participate in showing the industry the improvements that new solutions bring to meet the daily challenges and help to meet the demands of end customers. ”

Joan Casas


Graphic Communication & Digital Technologies

Sustainability is one of the most commonly used words in our industry to demonstrate to customers and ultimately to the public that we provide an efficient and environmentally committed service. Can you explain what makes your solutions sustainable?
“Sustainability is one of the pillars on which Fujifilm is restructuring the entire manufacturing and logistics process, with the aim of achieving zero CO2 emissions by 2040.

Miquel Borbón

Sales Area Manager North and East

What are the trends that, from your experience in the sector, you believe will shape its future? Can you explain how you are strong in providing solutions to these challenges?
“Any innovation in the sector that implies an improvement in the sustainability of products will be the key to new investments. Our customers’ specialisation in quality, productivity and innovation in each of the different markets make us a supplier to be taken into account before making any kind of investment.

Eugenia Alvarez
Packaging Sales Manager