
Industrial Printing

On-site route: Day 2 – 17:30h (departure from Impulso/Diálogos)

A new personalized visit experience to discover the show's exhibits and activities program.

Explore the opportunities that the printing industry offers in multiple user markets with the new routes specially designed for the professional visitor.

Itinerary to firsthand experience the operation and applications of digital printing equipment and technologies from exhibitors who have collaborated on the Hacking the Icons project. We highlight the role of printing in designing and manufacturing various products in sectors such as furniture, consumer electronics, or home accessories, among others, with this route led by the president of Graphispag and in collaboration with Lúcid, an industrial design agency.

Hablamos de…


Reciclaje plástico

Estuvieron presentes…

Empresas líderes del gran consumo, la perfumería y la cosmética

Centros tecnológicos, asociaciones e instituciones formativas especializadas en estas temáticas



Marc Codesal
The visitor will have the opportunity to vote for the best industrial print design within the 'Hacking the Icons' programme.

Awards exhibition

Exhibition of industrial objects with digital print application designed by industrial design agencies and interior design studios.