Everything can be printed, and it can be printed with a lower environmental impact

Josep Maria Coll, Director of Sales & Industrial Printing at Epson Epson is involved in the Rethink your style project. Can you tell us a little more about this initiative ending in June and your contribution to it?   Rethink Your Style is a collaborative initiative that we’re promoting alongside the Ibis Styles hotel chain in Spain and Portugal. The aim is to demonstrate how merging sustainable materials and lower-impact…

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Ribera Digital

Do you have any product or innovation that you want to highlight above the rest at Graphispag? At Ribera Digital we are official distributors for Roland, HP and Canon (printing machinery), Mactac and Krea (flexible printing media) and Widinovations (laser, CNC and laminating solutions), among other brands. This allows us to offer a very broad and complete portfolio of solutions, with the backing and reliability that comes from having major…

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Do you have a product or innovation that you want to highlight above the rest at Graphispag? Roland DG will be showing at Graphispag the Dimensor S printer from DGDIMENSE, a large format printer with water-based inks for texture printing that opens up a new dimension in printed decoration. Dimensor S is more than a printer: it is the gateway to endless possibilities. It combines the power of a printer…

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Do you have a product or innovation that you want to highlight above the rest at Graphispag? At Realisaprint.es we are excited to highlight several of our products and innovations at Graphispag this year. Among them, we would like to highlight our advertising tent, perfect for outdoor events and promotions, which offers great visibility and durability. We are also proud to present our high quality printed books, ideal for publishers,…

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Do you have a product or innovation that you want to highlight above the rest at Graphispag? The star product is the new Speedmaster XL 106 Peak performance generation 2024. An offset press that stands out not only for its 21,000 copies per hour but also for its countless automatisms that make it unbeatable in terms of productivity, sustainability management and the application of AI resources. It is a fact…

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Digital printing promotes personalisation

Luis Virgos, Sales manager for digital printing and POD – Fujifilm Spain The digital transformation of the graphics industry has brought significant changes to the personalisation services that printers can offer their customers. Luis Virgos is a specialist in digital production systems. He has over 20 years’ experience of high production inkjet and toner technologies, software, variable data composition applications and finishing equipment. At Graphispag he explained some of the…

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In textiles the future lies in sustainable printing

Encarna Luque, Senior Product Manager Inks and Textil Roland DG EMEA The textile printing sector is undergoing a change in its business model as a result of the current environment, new consumer habits and the greater presence of digital printing systems vis-à-vis traditional ones. In addition, the increase in local production through small production centres, partly due to the higher transport and fuel costs, is a clear trend. We analyse…

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The virtuous circle of innovation that drives business growth

Jep Tarrades, VP Tecnologia – Loop New Business Models In today’s changing environment, companies need to adapt and understand what their customers demand in order to meet the market’s requirements and anticipate them whenever possible. Jep Tarrades is an industrial engineer who has held different positions of responsibility at HP. He now puts his experience and knowledge at the service of innovation, a tool that’s essential in enabling companies to…

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“There’s no better waste than waste that isn’t generated”

Presentation of the 2020/2021 Epson Europe Sustainability Report Some years ago, a company sought to maximise its profits for the benefit of its shareholders and customers and have a healthy profit and loss account. Nowadays, a company’s commitment to society and improving its environment is also increasing in importance. Joan Escoté is the Director of Corporate Sustainability at Epson Ibérica; he’s been with the company for 32 years and he’s witnessed…

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Do Coldfoil and Hotfoil printing compete with or complement each other?

CONFERENCE HEIDELBERG One of the questions frequently asked by customers when it comes to applying the stamping technique is whether the cold foil or Hotfoil style is more suitable. There’s no conclusive reply to this question, as it will depend on the type of work and the result to be achieved, as well as other considerations that will be taken into account to determine the ideal process to be followed.

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Graphic arts companies face the challenge of improving their productivity

CONFERENCE MARC TARRAL In a sector such as the graphic arts, with significant pressure on delivery times, within a context such as the current one, with the rising costs of raw materials and a certain climate of uncertainty, achieving excellence and maximum productivity levels constitutes a challenge for companies. Marc Tarral has more than 15 years’ experience at more than 30 companies in different sectors. An engineer in the design…

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“The cause of good luck is you, if you have the determination to grasp the reins of your leadership”

Álex Rovira, expert in psychology of leadership and corporate behaviour Álex Rovira is a well-known writer and economist and an international lecturer. His connection with the graphic arts sector dates back to his childhood, as his father and grandfather owned a graphic arts company and during the summers he worked in the warehouse, looking at dies and learning about kinds of inks and papers. At Graphispag he offered the tips…

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