Andrea García Méndez

Expert Professor | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain
Andrea García Méndez


Expert in digital culture, technology, and creativity. She is a professor at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Additionally, she regularly teaches in university programs, such as the Master's in Digital Art Curatorship at ESDI, as well as in cultural institutions and technology centers, such as Cibernàrium of Barcelona Activa. In recent years, she has specialized in studying the impact of artificial intelligence on creative processes.


Mesa redonda | Impulse/Dialogues

How artificial intelligence affects visual communication

Andrea García Méndez
Andrea García Méndez Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Expert Professor Moderador/Presentador
Marc Virgili
Marc Virgili EGM Studio Project Manager Speaker
Joan Rosés
Joan Rosés Collateral Bits Editor de l’observatori Switch del Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya. Speaker

03-10-2024 11:40 03-10-2024 12:25 Europe/Madrid How artificial intelligence affects visual communication

It will be a highly practical session featuring success stories. We’ll discuss communication and provide examples of AI applied to communication, etc.  

Thu 3 11:40h - 12:25h Impulso/Diálogos