Elisenda Vergés

Director | Etiquetas Anver
Elisenda Vergés


Mesa redonda | Impulse/Dialogues

Packaging, the silent salesman that’s always printed

Laura Blanco
Laura Blanco Pressgraph Moderador/Presentador
Elisenda Vergés
Elisenda Vergés Etiquetas Anver Director Speaker
Carles Sala
Carles Sala Bulldog Studio Founder and designer Speaker
Ángel Pérez
Ángel Pérez Heidelberg General Manager Marketing Speaker
Jordi Cañadas
Jordi Cañadas Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives Technical Manager Speaker
Ana Lasierra
Ana Lasierra Bella Aurora Labs Packaging Manager Speaker
Ernest Ginjaume
Ernest Ginjaume Grupo Comart General Director Speaker
Pilar Arrayás
Pilar Arrayás Carton Circular Director Speaker

01-10-2024 15:30 01-10-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Packaging, the silent salesman that’s always printed

Known as the silent salesman, packaging constitutes the final interaction between the brand and the end consumer before the decision to purchase. Although large distribution companies launch their own brands, they still need graphic communication, which is always embodied in physical and printed packaging. During the successive crises we’ve witnessed in our time, packaging has remained a kind of refuge-speciality for printers, as it’s an element that must always be physical and it can’t be digitised. However, printers must always keep track of technological innovation and the conditioning factors of the market, given that, when it comes to addressing their activity as packaging transformers in the European Union, there are numerous regulations that will affect their work.

Tue 1 15:30h - 16:30h Impulso/Diálogos