Xavier Llopis Bauset

Director Assistant | Editorial Campgrafic Valencia, Spain
Xavier Llopis Bauset


Xavier Llopis graduated in Philology at Universitat de València. Shortly afterwards, he began his career among galley proofs and dictionaries while learning the craft of translating and correcting. For some time he taught in these fields at Universitat Jaume I in Castelló de la Plana and in 1999, alongside Fèlix Bella and José Luis Martín, he created Campgràfic, a publishing house specialising in typography. He has also collaborated as a literar


Mesa redonda | Impulse/Dialogues

Editorial projects in the virtual world

Jesús del Hoyo
Jesús del Hoyo Col·legi Oficial Disseny Gràfic Catalunya Dean Emeritus Moderador/Presentador
Emilio Gil
Emilio Gil Tau Design Creative Director Speaker
Xavier Llopis Bauset
Xavier Llopis Bauset Editorial Campgrafic Director Assistant Speaker
Marcelo Ghio
Marcelo Ghio Graficas Muriel Consultor en branding y gestión estratégica de comunicación Speaker

02-10-2024 15:30 02-10-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Editorial projects in the virtual world

Once the apocalyptic visions about the end of the “book” have been put to one side, this round table will discuss the current state, health and co-existence or otherwise of editorial design, the book and the magazine in the physical and virtual environments. 

Wed 2 15:30h - 16:15h Impulso/Diálogos