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Do you have any product or innovation that you would like to highlight above the rest at Graphispag?

This year our “star” products will be the digital cutting tables. At SIESA we have the widest range of this type of equipment on the market, as we offer equipment adapted to the needs of each client. Following the acquisition of the firm Intec by our representative Morgana, we have added to our product catalogue more than 10 models of ColorCut digital cutting tables for different weights and productions, with compact equipment that is highly adapted to the needs of the current market. At Graphispag we will have several of them, such as the Colorcut SC6500 and SC7000 PRO-T, and the FB1180-T flat table. In order to be able to offer solutions for higher productions and for materials up to 10 mm, we also have in our portfolio the Sinajet digital cutting tables, equipped with the latest technology on the market and which allow formats from 40x60cm. up to 160 x 120cm, and which we will also present during the fair with its DF0604-MT and DF1007-MT models.

Can you explain the main reason for your participation in the show and your commercial expectations?

For us, Graphispag is a benchmark fair in the sector and we have historically always been present at all editions of the show. National and international fairs have suffered a decline in terms of exhibitors and spaces, but we continue to believe that this type of fair is very important for the sector and helps us to show clients the latest developments in the sector. After a few difficult years, we hope that this edition will be a return to “normality” in the sector, as we present new solutions adapted to the current market demand, which is more focused on packaging and personalized products, and we hope to be a great success.