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Do you have any product or innovation that you would like to highlight above the rest at Graphispag?

From April 2024 all our machines have 36 months warranty on parts.

In 2025 we will launch the automatic unloading system for Kudu.

Can you explain the main reason for your participation in the show and your commercial expectations?

Our machines are very different from the rest and that is why you have to come and see them at Graphispag. We have a demo room in Barcelona where we also show the Nyala 4 to many companies every year.

There are always two things that are repeated, one before the demo and one during the demo. Customers tell us before the demo that they already know the machine, but afterwards they admit that they had no idea what it can do. Also during the demo they admit that it is the best they have ever been on.

Sustainability is one of the most commonly used words in our sector to demonstrate to customers and ultimately to the public that we provide an efficient and environmentally committed service. Can you explain how your solutions stand out as sustainable?

We have just launched version 2.0 of our GreenTech project. Under this name, swissQprint encompasses a multitude of measures that guarantee a minimal carbon footprint both in the manufacture of the machines, in their useful life with an electricity consumption of 2.2 kW, in low maintenance, in the inks, etc. There are many concepts and measures that we do not have space to explain here. For example, we have just installed a photovoltaic panel system on our factory roof which generates 613,000 kWh per year, supplying us with 50% of the electricity we need.

What are the trends that, based on your experience in the sector, you believe will mark its future? Can you explain how you are strong in providing solutions to these challenges?

The market identifies us as innovators in technology. These innovations create a lot of excitement with each new generation and focus on improving productivity and quick job changeover: the Tip Switch vacuum that avoids the use of adhesive tape, the Tandem mode that eliminates loading and unloading time, full speed quality for low cost jobs, the two print modes for rigid jobs up to 4 metres, being able to continue the job after a collision, these are just a few because there are countless other features and reasons to improve productivity that have historically distinguished us as leaders in innovation.

This edition of the show uses the claim “Printing Value” to give the graphics sector the importance it deserves. Following the same logic, we would like to highlight the profile of printers. We know that they are a fundamental part of the chain and their technical knowledge and experience make the projects of end customers a reality thanks to the good use of your solutions. Could you please highlight the value of your innovation by explaining a real success story from a printer/collaborator?

Our clients are very diverse. We have small, big, graphic, industrial, etc. Among them I can highlight two: Serisan (  has had two of our machines since 2015 and dedicates them to a multitude of applications.

Another significant customer is Estudios Durero. Durero uses it for general signage, works of art, large format printing with neon ink, art reproductions for the blind Didú (, etc.