Track: Trends

Tue 01
Conferencia | Impulse/Dialogues

Attitudes of graphic companies to the challenge to be faced in the coming years

Jaume Casals
Jaume Casals Consultor Speaker

01-10-2024 11:05 01-10-2024 11:50 Europe/Madrid Attitudes of graphic companies to the challenge to be faced in the coming years

Several changes in technologies and society are leading to a rethinking of their activity and the dynamics in their relationship with their customers. Within this scenario, it’s essential to understand the sector’s moment in time, to acknowledge the situation and to draw the paths to facilitate an appropriate evolution to adapt and provide the service required by the new market dynamics. A review of the current and likely future data, accompanied by suitable attitudes in the foreseeable future, will establish the bases of the progress plan to guarantee what lies ahead.

11:05h - 11:50h Impulso/Diálogos
Mesa redonda | Impulse/Dialogues

AI in Industry Graphics and Personalisation

Juan Blanco
Juan Blanco Grafiklandia Founder and content creator Speaker

01-10-2024 11:55 01-10-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid AI in Industry Graphics and Personalisation

Find out how artificial intelligence adapted to the graphic arts and personalisation industry can transform your daily tasks with advanced applications and tools to maximise quality and productivity.

11:55h - 12:30h Impulso/Diálogos
Exhibitor Activities

Generation Z and paper printing

01-10-2024 12:30 01-10-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Generation Z and paper printing

While we live in a digital-first world, there is still a strong feeling that print is valuable, especially among Generation Z.

Stand A85
12:30h - 13:30h Stand A85
Mesa redonda | Impulse/Dialogues

Adding value to brands

Jaime de Haro
Jaime de Haro IPMARK Editor Moderador/Presentador
Lluís Morillas Mateu
Lluís Morillas Mateu Morillas President Speaker
Enric Batlle
Enric Batlle Batllegroup CEO and Creative Director Speaker
Pepo Figueras
Pepo Figueras CIDEYEG Sales Director Speaker

01-10-2024 12:35 01-10-2024 13:20 Europe/Madrid Adding value to brands

Session coordinated by AEBRAND and IPMARK magazine where printing will be valued in brand building, management and activation, based on the explanation of practical cases and results obtained.

12:35h - 13:20h Impulso/Diálogos
Conferencia | Impulse/Dialogues

Printing Our Future

Joan Nogués
Joan Nogués Gremi de la Industria i Comunicació Gràfica de Catalunya President Speaker
Joan Creus Oliveras
Joan Creus Oliveras Gremi de la Industria i Comunicació Gràfica de Catalunya Attaché to the Secretariat General Speaker
Jordi Plà
Jordi Plà Plà&Associats Owner Speaker
Lluís Carbonell
Lluís Carbonell Plà&Associats Innovation Consultant Speaker

01-10-2024 13:25 01-10-2024 14:10 Europe/Madrid Printing Our Future

The Catalan Graphic Industry and Communication GUILD presents this strategic project to drive the transformation. Printing our Future defines a new (collaborative and circular) production model whereby the participation of companies is key to optimising/sharing technology and human capital. 

13:25h - 14:10h Impulso/Diálogos
Mesa redonda | Impulse/Dialogues

Repapering: Bringing new life to the resources of the graphic sector

Francesc Egea
Francesc Egea Gremi de la Industria i Comunicació Gràfica de Catalunya Director General IPE Industria Gráfica Speaker
Josep Rey
Josep Rey Gremi de la Industria i Comunicació Gràfica de Catalunya Member Executive Committee Speaker
Joan Creus Oliveras
Joan Creus Oliveras Gremi de la Industria i Comunicació Gràfica de Catalunya Attaché to the Secretariat General Speaker

01-10-2024 16:35 01-10-2024 17:05 Europe/Madrid Repapering: Bringing new life to the resources of the graphic sector

We’re witnessing the birth of REPAPER, the GUILD’s innovative platform for the purchase and sale of materials in the graphic sector that promotes the circular economy. Our aim is to facilitate the use of stocks of materials by companies in the sector, thus contributing to increased sustainability. - Avoidance of stock accumulation: it helps to manage idle material that may become obsolete and improve warehouse spaces. - Economic recovery: it allows the economic recovery of investment in raw materials. - Sustainability: it contributes to the protection of the environment by making the most of the available resources. - The GUILD acts by providing the platform, but it ISN’T actively involved in the transactions.

16:35h - 17:05h Impulso/Diálogos
Wed 02
Side Events

Impriclub Breakfasts

02-10-2024 10:00 02-10-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Impriclub Breakfasts

On October 2nd, within the framework of Graphispag 2024, the General Assembly of impriCLUB, the largest private association of commercial printers in Spain, will take place. *Access is restricted to impriCLUB members only.

Zona Sala de prensa
10:00h - 14:00h Zona Sala de prensa
Exhibitor Activities

New fields of application: digital textile micro-factory

02-10-2024 16:00 02-10-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid New fields of application: digital textile micro-factory

The sector is continuously conquering new fields of application. Inkjet printing allows access not only to industries such as fashion and apparel but also to areas like interior design, architecture, automotive, and many other vertical markets.

Stand A85
16:00h - 17:00h Stand A85
Side Events

Alumni meeting and presentation of the 15th edition of the Master’s in Graphic Industry and Communication Management

02-10-2024 16:00 02-10-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Alumni meeting and presentation of the 15th edition of the Master’s in Graphic Industry and Communication Management

GREMI is organizing this networking event. During the same event, the faculty, training program, and schedule for the 15th edition of the Master's degree, starting on February 5, 2025, will be presented.

Zona Sala de prensa
16:00h - 17:30h Zona Sala de prensa
Mesa redonda | Impulse/Dialogues

Printing value on industrial design

Juan Mellen
Juan Mellen Design Institute of Spain President Moderador/Presentador
Marc Codesal
Marc Codesal Roland DG EMEA Market Development Manager Speaker
Pol Fantoba
Pol Fantoba Lúcid Managing Director Speaker
Xavier Majoral
Xavier Majoral Stimulo Speaker
Josep Maria Coll
Josep Maria Coll Epson Director Commercial & Industrial Printing Speaker

02-10-2024 16:30 02-10-2024 17:10 Europe/Madrid Printing value on industrial design

Panel discussion in the fair’s Impulso-Diálogos area on digital printing applications in the manufacturing industry that will feature the participation of representatives of the Design Institute of Spain (D!OS), graphic technology suppliers, industrial designers and companies from different sectors of activity that use printing in their production processes.  

16:30h - 17:10h Impulso/Diálogos
Mesa redonda | Awards

Hacking the Icons awards

02-10-2024 17:10 02-10-2024 17:25 Europe/Madrid Hacking the Icons awards Impulso/Diálogos
17:10h - 17:25h Impulso/Diálogos
Thu 03
Exhibitor Activities

Vision and evolution of graphic design

Jordi Tarrats
Jordi Tarrats Pressgraph CEO del estudio Mediactiu Speaker

03-10-2024 12:00 03-10-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Vision and evolution of graphic design

Redefining the boundaries of graphic design.

Stand A85
12:00h - 13:00h Stand A85
Conferencia | Impulse/Dialogues

Personalisation in interior design. New solutions based on digital printing

Pilar Marcos Arango
Pilar Marcos Arango Diseño Interior Directora Moderador/Presentador
Àngela Pijuan
Àngela Pijuan APSDISSENY Interior designer Speaker
Fran Sabater
Fran Sabater Samaruc Studio Speaker
Carlos de Pablo
Carlos de Pablo Samaruc Studio Speaker
Oscar Estrada
Oscar Estrada Arte y tela Director comercial Speaker

03-10-2024 12:30 03-10-2024 13:10 Europe/Madrid Personalisation in interior design. New solutions based on digital printing

The personalisation of spaces is one of the macro-trends in interior design to be found around the world. Digital printing has become an invaluable tool enabling design professionals to undertake unique and exclusive projects. At this table we’ll bring together interior designers with experience in the use of these solutions who’ll tell us  about the new demands for customisation in their designs, the most innovative industrialists in the development of digital printing technologies for the decoration sector and companies at the forefront of these solutions in their products. Chaired by: Pilar Marcos, director of the Diseño Interior magazine.

12:30h - 13:10h Impulso/Diálogos
Mesa redonda | Impulse/Dialogues

Artificial Intelligence in the graphic sector

Enrique San Juan
Enrique San Juan Community Internet Director Speaker

03-10-2024 15:30 03-10-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Artificial Intelligence in the graphic sector

Discover the potential of AI through a practical and effective training experience that will reveal the main applications of AI, specific cases of professional use and productivity for businesses and companies. Participants will be encouraged to think for themselves about ways to apply AI in their own professional tasks and objectives.

15:30h - 16:15h Impulso/Diálogos